
Monday, December 16, 2013

Day 19 Post-Op: Cleared to go HOME!!

So today I finally got the news that I can come home!!!  Dr. Griffiths was able to remove the scab from where the skin graft died, and was able to tell that the TP fascia flap underneath would heal up just fine.  He thought in a week or two it would be healed.  I will be flying home this Wednesday, December 18th, 2013.  I will get in late that night, but at least I'll be in my own bed that night!

I will probably see Dr. Griffiths one more time before I go home.  After that, I will be sending him pictures of the ear every Sunday so he can monitor it's healing.

I was editing my pictures for today's post, and I got the worst itch so was not only the itchiest itch...but it was again inside the new ear...i.e. I can't scratch it because it is inside my body, not on the surface!  Luckily, so far as long as I just distract myself, it goes away.  My other ear is healing well, and so is my stomach incision.  It's just got a few little secondary scabs, but is mainly just red and healing now.  The stitch line in the crease between my thigh and stomach isn't quite so healed because it gets so much more movement.  It's healing from the edges and is much better, but there is about 1 and a half inches in the middle of the 6 or so inch line that is still not scabbed over.  It usually is about 1/2 inch wide, so I have to keep gauze over it to help keep it dry so that it doesn't get infected.  Surprisingly, it doesn't cause me much pain.  Sometimes it's a little ouchy right before bed, but even in the shower it doesn't hurt.  This surprises me since it looks so ugly and raw!

The new ear is just looking better and better!  I still notice it most in the 'canal' area.  I can't quite touch all skin now when I put a finger in it, and from the front, it totally looks like it goes down into my head!  The little scab right by that canal area is also looking better.  The skin on the new ear is also VERY soft, which Dr. Griffiths says means the skin graft is really good.  It's color just continues to improve too.

The past weekend, I was very tired.  I think I was also a little depressed from everything.  There was a TON of mental and physical preparation, stress before, during, and after the surgery (and trip).  Then, when I got out of the hospital, I knew I needed to stay active to help keep my lungs healthy and because it helped reduce my pain.  So, I think I just sort of crashed.  The excitement was winding down, and I was in a place where I didn't have to be so on guard 24/7.  The realization that this will be a long road to total recovery has sunk in.  I mean, yes I knew it, but everything has been so new and exciting.  I knew it would come down, so it's not really a shock that it's worn off, but I just didn't know when it was going to happen.  I knew to watch for it, because I know that no matter what kind of history someone has, depression after any sort of plastic surgery is a real concern.  It's a fine line between letting my body rest and heal, and starting to mope around.  I have to stay very tuned into my motives and feelings - physical and emotional.  So far, so good.

Now, I'm really sad to have to say goodbye to my new friends.  I wish Boise was close to home...but I'm also very excited to get home and see family and friends, my cats, my stuff, my bed, etc.  I know a lot of people at home are following this blog, at least occasionally, but I want to show my ear off in person.  I want to be present to see how they like it, I want to be able to talk to them as they see it, and of course, it looks MUCH neater and better in person.  It's SO hard to get color, light, etc correct in the pictures I post.  I do my best.

Speaking of's tonight's update in pictures!  See everyone at home soon!!!

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