
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Improvements and Setbacks

Wow, the word rollercoaster is all I can come up with!  Tuesday I was feeling very worn out and a little down.  I realized I've been working really hard and keeping very busy, not only because I had a lot to do, but because I knew if I cried or got anywhere near upset, it would cause me intense physical pain.  I survived my time in the hospital by staying very stoic and strong because I knew that's what I needed to do.  I needed to start feeling and processing that time now that I was on less drugs and better able to breathe, etc.  It's taking time, but I'm moving forward well.  Tuesday I took a .4 mile walk to Walgreens to pick up some things to make myself more comfortable.

I'm constantly trying to figure out what I can do to decrease pain, and I had figured out that keeping pressure near my rib graft harvest incision helped the pain a TON.  Especially if I need to lean forwards or strain my stomach muscles for things like having a bowel movement.  If your child has rib graft, I highly recommend experimenting with pressure over the rib graft area.  I was surprised it didn't make things worse, but so much better!  To be more specific, I use my right hand (my incision is on the right side).  I push in all the way from my fingers all the way down to my elbow wrapped around my chest, right below my breast (I actually don't push over the incision, but above it).  For me, I need the most pressure applied by my palm.

By Tuesday evening, my body was sore and worn out from using my abdominals so much.  Wednesday I felt a lot better.  I was able to move around in chairs and scoot to the edges to get up and down much easier.  I could bend a little bit forward instead of pleaing while keeping my upper body up and down.  Then, by the evening, because my rib harvest site pain was getting so much better, I was realizing that the pain in my back was actually getting worse and not better.  When I called Dr. Griffiths, he asked me to go to the E.R. because I might have developed a blood clot in my lung.

Luckily, no blood clot.  However, I did have some fluid in my lungs and that was causing a bit of lung collapse.  Not enough to be called pneumonia or a pneumothorax, just enough to cause me pain.  Basically, I just have to use my incentive spirometer more.  While I was in the E.R., however, I was finally able to break down and bit and cry and work through how scary my stay at the hospital had been (particularly the night so many people came into my room and tried to stick things behind my ears or touch my stomach).  I talked to a wonderful nurse and Heidi came to visit.

By Wednesday I felt a lot better mentally and physically.  I started realizing that the first 1 - 2 hours after I pull myself out of bed are horrible.  I'm stiff and sore from the night, and VERY tired and groggy and irritable.  I usually want nothing more than to lock myself in my room and sleep forever.  But as long as I keep moving, I do wake up and feel a LOT better.  I spent the afternoon hanging out with Heidi and Rosalee.  We had a really good time and by evening I was feeling awesome.

Today is Thursday....YAY!!! This is my first post in "real-time" since surgery!!!!!!  Last night I got to sleep IN A BED!!!  Propped up, but still, a BED!!! I slept well, and when I got up in the morning, I went back to sleep IN MY BED!!!  I've been taking my it really slow today, trying to finally relax now that my emotions are caught up and in real time.  I'm finally able to just let my self site and relax...considering it's been over a week since my surgery, it was about time!  My rib harvest site is continually getting better.  I can now gently bend over without holding my chest.  I can get in and out of beds and chairs pretty easily (not all the way normally, but easily)  I haven't had much of an appetite today, but I'm taking it easy.  Plus, I haven't done much today.  I try to just keep liquid and protein going to keep me healing and hydrated, as well as keep my stomach less irritated from all of the medications.  I'm hoping to be brave and try going 6 hours instead of 4 between my pain killer doses.  I also was able to find no-rinse shampoo that was pre-loaded in a shower cap.  I was getting sick of my dry shampoo, so I tried that.  I basically was able to rub it into my hair really easily avoiding my ears, yet getting all of my hair cleaned.  Since it's no rinse, it's obviously still leaving gunk in my hair that real shampoo wouldn't, but I have to say my head feels much lighter, cleaner, and fresher than with the dry shampoo!

I will be relaxing the rest of today, and enjoying another night in a bed.  Tomorrow afternoon I go back to see Dr. Griffiths.  If my earlobe looks not too swollen, my mould will come off tomorrow!  If not, I will go back Monday for the reveal!  He told my at pre-op that after the mould comes off, he usually has a pretty good idea of how long someone will have to stay out here.  I don't know if I'm more excited for the reveal, or to find out if I get to go home before Christmas.  I'm nervous, but preparing myself to love my new ear, no matter what it looks like.

So, things are going really well over all.  Nothings perfect and wonderful all the time, but overall, this has been an incredible week and a half.  I never could have imagined how much this would change my while life, and I am speechless about how much I am growing and changing for the good!  And yes, even with setbacks and hard times, I am completely satisfied with my decision to have rib graft ear reconstruction with Dr. Griffiths.  I will continue to update you on that opinion as my ear heals!