
Monday, March 30, 2015

1 Year, 4 months

Hi all! I thought I'd write a quick follow, as things are still changing! I noticed recently how much better my abdominal incisions are looking, and thought some of you might appreciate seeing the difference. Everyone has different results as far a scarring, and with kids the healing will probably be a bit quicker than it has been for me. But still, I thought it might be of interest how much everything is changing this far out! There's a few ear photos just for fun, too.

You can tell how close the rib graft  harvest was to my chest from the bra mark under my hand. This is on my right side, same as the new ear. 

This is the scar between my inside though and stomach where the skin was taken to cover the back of my normal ear, as that skin was used to cover the new ear. This skin graft was then just pinched  shut. 

Back of the new ear. The white patch was where the original skin great failed, and he had to take a new great from my left leg crease, hence the different color and texture there. You can't see it when I'm not holding my hair away, etc.