
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Worn Out!

So the stress is taking it's toll.  I mean, yes I knew I was stressed.  I've been running around like crazy getting ready, and I have had a huge number of large canker sores in my mouth, which are both signs of stress for me.  Add to that the fact that I've been dealing with my fear by making sure I have everything in place (to me, there is a very subtle difference between stress and fear).  I've been pushing myself to get everything ready before I leave, knowing that as soon as I get to the airport Monday I can start relaxing and stop most of the fury.

I didn't make it.  Last night around 7 pm I crashed.  Completely crashed.  I tried to push myself to a place where I could get something productive done until bedtime, but to no avail.  I gave up and gave in around 8:15 pm and went to bed.  I slept until 10:30 this morning.  I was really looking forward to going to church this morning, but obviously I missed it.  Apparently I was worn out.  Consequently, I now have a TON of quilting to do today (around 7 hours, and it's almost Noon already).  But I'm glad I let myself sleep because the last thing I needed was to push so hard that I wound up sick right before my surgery date!

I'm still really sleepy - both physically and mentally - from everything I've been doing, but less so than last night.  It's time now for the final push before I leave.  Just thought I'd pop in and give a quick update about the effect of all of this preparation on my mind and body.

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