
Thursday, December 26, 2013

I made it home for the holidays!!!

I made it safely home Tuesday, December 24th around 6:30 pm!  The bag that was the last onto the baggage claim belt when I flew to Boise didn't make it back until today (the 26th) around noon, but other than that, the traveling was pretty smooth.  I was actually too nervous and had too many thoughts going through my mind the night before I left that I really only slept - fitfully - for about an hour before getting up at 3:30 am to get ready and leave for the airport.

Traveling on such little sleep after just having gained energy post surgery, wasn't too bad, although I was pretty dead by evening (luckily I had time changes working in my favor).  However, it did wonders for the swelling in my ear!  The top part of the ear was the least swollen I've ever seen it, but by the next day it was back to where it had been before flying.  I wish I hadn't been so tired and had taken some photos!  Speaking of photos, with the holiday, I have been crazy busy and haven't taken as many.  The ones I did take are good though, and tomorrow I hope to get them edited and up here.  It's late tonight and I need to try to get back on a normal sleeping schedule for Ohio instead of Boise.  I did want to take a moment to update my blog for those of you who are closely following the blog, but maybe aren't close enough that I have personally let you know I made it safely back home for Christmas.

I did send photos out to Dr. Griffiths this afternoon in hopes of maybe being allowed to get my new skin graft site wet.  It's still very crusted, so he wants me to keep putting bacitracin on it as well as stick telfa gauze (non-stick gauze) over just that little part.  We will reassess Sunday when I send him more pictures.  So far, so good.

My ear is itching more internally...except this time higher up than a few weeks ago, near the top of where the cartilage is attached to my head.  I think having itches that I can't scratch because I literally can't touch them is the most annoying thing right now.  Although, as far as annoy things go, it's not really all that annoying.

My original suture line on the crease by my groin from the main skin graft has finally completely scabbed up, and within 24 hours of doing so (Christmas Eve to Christmas Day), became about half as wide!  It has stayed scabbed today.  However, the smaller incision that was stitched up on the opposite leg a week ago is starting to pull apart in the middle a little.  Again, Dr. Griffiths said this is expected and he has seen a lot worse cases than mine, so it's nothing to worry about...just something to take care of properly so that it does heal.

I also have a time frame on being able to return to skiing.  Dr. Griffiths said that as soon as all the incisions on the ear are 100% sealed, it will be fine for me to ski.  Judging by the original incisions, the revision graft incisions should be healed within a month, most likely in 2-3 weeks.

So, bedtime.  Pictures to follow tomorrow!

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