
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

2 Years, 2 Months

Hello everyone!

A lot has changed over the past year, so I thought I would do another update to share the continuing progress!

-My scars are barely noticeable now, in particular the abdominal one is much more faint.
-I'm still very happy with my results!
-Please excuse my skin...I have other health issues that are causing bad cystic acne at the moment. 
-My ear is still kind of red, and I wonder if this is how it will always be.  It changes a lot throughout the day, though, and is always reddest after my shower...which is when I took these photos.
-The area on the helix that felt broken and clicked when I pressed on it seems to be fully healed now.
-My ribs, since about 1 year out, have not given me any pain or clicking. 
-I still have not regained much feeling in my ear, I just have a little near where the hole would be.  I do bump it into things without noticing right away occasionally, but it really hasn't been an issue.

Today is exactly 2 years and 2 months.  Here are some photos:

 Right Inner Thigh Crease


Back of Left (Normal) Ear

Monday, March 30, 2015

1 Year, 4 months

Hi all! I thought I'd write a quick follow, as things are still changing! I noticed recently how much better my abdominal incisions are looking, and thought some of you might appreciate seeing the difference. Everyone has different results as far a scarring, and with kids the healing will probably be a bit quicker than it has been for me. But still, I thought it might be of interest how much everything is changing this far out! There's a few ear photos just for fun, too.

You can tell how close the rib graft  harvest was to my chest from the bra mark under my hand. This is on my right side, same as the new ear. 

This is the scar between my inside though and stomach where the skin was taken to cover the back of my normal ear, as that skin was used to cover the new ear. This skin graft was then just pinched  shut. 

Back of the new ear. The white patch was where the original skin great failed, and he had to take a new great from my left leg crease, hence the different color and texture there. You can't see it when I'm not holding my hair away, etc. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

1 Year, 2 Months

Well, I'm finally getting around to writing my one year follow up!  It's amazing how much my new ear is still changing!!! I have photos, as well a some of my scars now that they have settled, but first, here are some updates:

1) The clicking and pain in my rib area that I had prolonged after surgery is no longer bothersome. It doesn't happen unless I reach forward and use my right arm a lot, and it's continuing to improve.

2) Except for the spot where Dr. Griffiths removed the nerves to cover the ear, I have complete feeling in my scalp! I still only have some feeling in the new ear, mainly around the helix and tragus, but I still get a lot of itching elsewhere, and I can tell the nerves are still regenerating because now, when it does itch, rubbing the area actually does help squelch the itch!  I especially like to let the shower water run over that side of my head... It feels really good with all the new nerve endings!

3) At one year post op, I sent Dr. Griffiths another batch of photos and everything is looking good. I will send more this spring at 18 months, at which time they consider it "fully healed".

4) After surgery, as you might recall, I had a rough time healing and with pain, and discovered it was because I had fibromyalgia.  That is more under control now as well.  I'm always in pain all over and have terrible fatigue, but as I have said before, that is all due to the fibromyalgia I didn't know I had before surgery.  As much as I don't like how much worse the fibro is some surgery, I'm REALLY glad all my "mystery" symptoms from before surgery have a tangible cause that I can work with and attribute them to.

5) Photos!

Left Leg Crease 

Right Leg Crease 

Rib Harvest Site, Upper Right Abdomen 
(About 3 inches long) 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Photo Update 27 Weeks Post Op

Time for some photos!  I've been making collages and posting them on Facebook, so most of these have been shown there already... But some went only in my wall.  Feel free to friend me if you like!  I update there more than here.  I need to let changes accumulate and fund the hours it takes to make these posts.  Facebook is faster for just one photo. But first, here's some news:

1) for not quite 6 months post op, my ear is doing really well.  Dr. Griffiths said that this is the peak time for the scars to be noticeable and red.  After that, they will begin fading.

2) the grossness behind my left ear where the skin graft was feels a bit lumpy but otherwise normal... Yay! Likewise, the additional great behind my right, new ear is slowly blending in better too.  As of today, there is finally starting to be a ridge behind the ear there now that the swelling is going down more!

3) my ribs still click when I use my arms a lot.  This is not typical and dr. Griffiths has never had it happen before, but I am also not a typical patient since I found out I've had fibromyalgia since I was 9 AFTER the surgery.  The clicking is more of an annoyance than anything else.

4) I've realized that I never felt I looked different than anyone else before surgery.  And, even during this healing process, I have not really felt self conscious about the ear.  This again shows me that I was being honest with myself when I decided to have this done. I totally get why insurance pays for it as medically necessary... This was not about my appearance, it was about getting whole inside.  This makes me happy... I LOVE how my ear is coming along!!! It's so fun to watch it change little by little.  As in some of my collages, you will see that sometimes I just like looking at the extremely subtle things that happen within just a few days... Look close...


Friday, April 18, 2014

Quick Photos

In the past week, I've noticed some subtle changes I want to share.  I am most excited that the new ear piece that connects to my lobe on the right is actually starting to protrude out so far!  I though maybe there would always be a big step there since I haven't noticed much improvement.  But when I looked at it yesterday I noticed it's flattening out.  I know I do have a bit of a jump there on my left ear, so it will probably never be completely flat, but it is improving!! 

It never fails, just when I start to don't it will ever look any better, I notice something like this!! 

The first two photos are comparisons I've put together since then to see what else has been changing the past few weeks.  The others are from Friday, April 18th.  When I get on my computer I will try to put some things side by side... But if you recall how uneven my ears were before surgery and even right after surgery, you will see that as the swelling subsides, they are becoming more and more alike in location!!!

Happy Easter Weekend!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

18 Weeks

So I'm still trying to deal with the fibromyalgia pain and am not using my computer.  Bear with me, as I wrote you all a very nice post a while ago, but somehow it didn't save when I went to edit the photos and I lost it.. I'm new to doing posts from my camera!! 

1). Good news lately!  First, after looking at my ct scan, my doctor decided I do not need to have my jaw broken and extended!! Instead, he will just clean out both tmj discs by making two small holes in front of each ear... One for fluid in, one for taking out.  I am meeting with a physical therapist once a week until that surgery on May 7th, and will see her twice a week for about 5 weeks after surgery.  She is wonderful and came highly recommended.  After 26 years and many injuries, she is the first one to notice that I have really loose ligaments and joints.. Hence all the injuries.  Apparently I shouldn't really do much stretching, but only strengthening exercises... And we're talking my while body, not only my jaw.  Go figure.  This week my exercise was to put my tongue in the roof of my mouth where it falls when you say the word mine while keeping my back teeth apart wide enough to slip in a piece of paper.  I have to do this 15 minutes four times a day.  Who knew that could be so tiring!!

2). The other really good news is that the place on my new ear we were a little concerned that the cartilage was separating is indeed just healing.  It's looking less like it's jutting out of my head and pulling out the skin everyday now! 

3). I don't have much more feeling in my new ear, but I still have a lot of itching spells in it and where the skin graft on my other ear is as well.  The good thing is that I have just enough sensation that usually a little light rubbing followed by a little pressure helps call it down.  The key is pressure versus scratching.

4). Sleeping is pretty much back to normal now.  No matter which side I sleep on, there's not too much swelling.  The only thing that is a pain is that I have to be careful what earrings I wear to bed.  If they aren't small and smooth they irritate and rub into the new ear and it hurts... The good thing is I have enough feeling there to know it hurts so I can change it out!

5). Although I've said it here and there, I want to reiterate that the complications I had from surgery were not normal or preventable because I had underlying health issues that I did not know about into I had surgery and they caused issues.  It is no ones fault, and Dr. Griffiths has been wonderful about helping where he can since especially at the beginning we all assumed the surgery was the direct cause of the symptoms... But it was not.  I am also older than most people having the surgery, so of course my recovery is going to be longer and a bit harder just because if that.  I knew that before I decided to have the ear constructed.  I knew the risks, and was fully prepared to handle them.

But so you can understand where my story is much different than a typical recovery, hers the gist of it:  When I was coming out if anesthesia I had a reaction from being out for so long without my cpap mask on (not typical for sleep apnea).  It took two hours before it was under control.  Dr. Griffiths actually stayed until they knew it was OK... About an hour and a half, when typically surgeons do not hang around since a 13 hour surgery is very demanding and exhausting.  We did not know it, but this caused a large hematoma to firm in my abdomen, which is why I had so much pain and why it was so severe for longer than typical.  However,  I knew that I would be in pain and didn't really have anything to gauge if it was worse than it should have been, so it makes sense no one considered that I already had a complication from surgery... I had no extra bruising on my abdomen.  Also, because at that point I didn't know I had fibromyalgia (which I would never have found out if I hasn't had the surgery by the way) I thought I had a low pain tolerance because I've always been told that I can't possibly be in so much pain, etc etc... And I was young and didn't know so I he up believing that.  My ear was WAY more swollen than typical and my pain took longer to get better... Both of which can be attributed to the fibro.  And, BTW, at week 16, Dr. Griffiths told me my ear was right on track for 4 months out, so it did catch up!  My pain came back because we messed with an antidepressant that was unknowingly treating my fibro pain.  A week ago we started switching me from that antidepressant to another one that will hopefully help even more with the pain... And wouldn't you know it,  after we decreased the old one, for a few days I had a bunch of abdominal pain again!!  So by having this surgery, I learned I had some other physical health problems that I've had a long time, but went undiagnosed into the surgery made them worse.  But I'm so thankful for that because finally it explains my life and has made me more confident that I do indeed know my body and what it needs.  That has been a wonderful relief and very helpful in getting better treatment for all of my medical issues.  I also learned that I can put up with a lot more than i ever thought I could.  In general, I an a much more resilient, persistent, and confident person since the surgery... And none of that is related to my appearance!!  The ear helps me feel more whole inside, and I smile inside knowing that most people don't realize it's "not real", but I feel no need to show it off.  It's just part of me... Although it does still look weird and even creep me out sometimes when I look in the mirror!  From straight on,  it is almost scarily identical to my other ear!!  I actually hope it doesn't look too much more matchy matchy!!  Nothing should look 100% identical.. We are human after all!  I also met some really wonderful people that helped me see the good in people and learn how to ask for help in a way that doesn't out pressure on anyone to do more than they feel able.  I learned that despite medical issues, you can still lead a happy, fulfilling life.  The ear really is only a very small part of what the experience gave me.  So, just know that I don't regret the choice or what it caused at all.  I'm not sure I ever have.  From the moment I got on my flight to go out there, I felt more and more sure that I was doing exactly what I needed to do exactly where it needed to happen.  Looking back,  I see so much change from that month... Even if parts of it are hard right now, they will get under control and my overall life is better because of them.  What's to regret?  ;).  Just know that my pain, swelling, and complications were not caused by the surgeon or the surgery, buy because of underlying health issues no one knew about.  This was such a good experience for me,  and I have had such a positive experience with the surgeon I chose... Even 4 months later when i need to get a hold if him out talk to his staff... I don't want anyone hearing about the seemingly "awful" things that it caused and have it turn them off to the idea of surgery.  I would do it all over again if I needed.

As always, I wish you all the best along your journeys, and an always happy to entertain comments, questions, etc etc!  And now for the photos!!!!!